Github Portfolio


This page serves as a deployment space for easy access to some of my personal programming projects and tool ports. If you're in search of my github details, go here.

Personal Programming Projects

Data Science

Titanic Survivor Analysis

First dive into R and classification ML, achieving ~79% accuracy in predicting Titanic survivors. Placed in the top 10% of ~17,000 Kaggle participants.


AsciiMath Tool

Produces LaTex-like math formulas using AsciiMath and MathJax libraries. Features include responsive design, multi-line output, dark zen editor mode, and more.

Math Formulas Explained

In-depth analysis of math formulas, often specific to data science and statistics. Breaks down and explains common math formulas.


Kanji Voyager

Helps Japanese language learners visually identify any of the 2,136 常用漢字 (jouyou kanji), particularly in books.

Japanese Furigana Generator

Generates HTML ruby markup readings based on native Japanese input, using only client-side technologies.

Japanese Match Maker

Deconstructs Japanese sentences automatically allowing the player to drag kanji characters into the correct location slots within the sentence.

Japanese Grammar Notes

A curated collection of Japanese grammar notes hosted natively in Github using pure Markdown.

Japanese Reading Practice

Experimental project using Claude AI to generate reading material. A semi-automated human / AI collaboration.

Kanji Radical Explorer

Simplified comprehensive representation of all classic Kanji radicals, based on KanjiAlive's open-sourced data.

Kana Handwriting

Showcases how handwritten kana characters should look.


Network Visualizer

Custom-built network graphing tool based on vis.js vis-network library. Offers various features including fullscreen mode, fit-to-center, and more.

Tool Ports


Kanji Reverse Lookup

Tool port for reverse-looking up Kanji by their containing parts (radicals or primitives).

Genki Study Resources

Study tool port for the Genki book series.

Tobira Study Resources

Study tool port for the Tobira book series.


Sequence Diagram Editor

Tool port for creating sequence diagrams, useful for design work.


JavaScript-based image steganography tool that hides and encrypts data within images.

Graph Toy

Tool port with minor modifications for visualizing graph plots for GLSL shader programming.

Pdf.js Viewer

Tool port with added color inversion feature for viewing PDF files in the browser.