

Special Cases

[[a,b],[c,d]] yields `[[a,b],[c,d]]`

Column Vectors:
((a),(b)) yields `((a),(b))`

Augmented Matrices:
[[a,b,|,c],[d,e,|,f]] yields `[[a,b,|,c],[d,e,|,f]]`

System of Equations:
{(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):} yields `{(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):}`

Complex Subscripts:
lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N yields `lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N`

Subscripts Before Superscripts:
int_0^1 f(x)dx yields `int_0^1 f(x)dx`

f'(x) = dy/dx yields `f'(x) = dy/dx`
(dq)/(dp) yields `(dq)/(dp)`

Overbraces and Underbraces:
ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms") yields `ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms")`.
obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms") yields `obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms")`.

Circle Arcs:
overset(frown)(AB) yields `overset(frown)(AB)`

Logical Symbols

Type TeX alt See
and `and`
or `or`
not neg `not`
=> implies `=>`
if `if`
<=> iff `iff`
AA forall `AA`
EE exists `EE`
_|_ bot `_|_`
TT top `TT`
|-- vdash `|--`
|== models `|==`

Relation Symbols

Type TeX alt See
= `=`
!= ne `!=`
< lt `<`
> gt `>`
<= le `<=`
>= ge `>=`
mlt ll `mlt`
mgt gg `mgt`
-< prec `-<`
-<= preceq `-<=`
>- succ `>-`
>-= succeq `>-=`
in `in`
!in notin `!in`
sub subset `sub`
sup supset `sup`
sube subseteq `sube`
supe supseteq `supe`
-= equiv `-=`
~= cong `~=`
~~ approx `~~`
prop propto `prop`

Font Commands

Type TeX alt See
bb "AaBbCc" mathbf "AaBbCc" `bb "AaBbCc"`
bbb "AaBbCc" mathbb "AaBbCc" `bbb "AaBbCc"`
cc "AaBbCc" mathcal "AaBbCc" `cc "AaBbCc"`
tt "AaBbCc" mathtt "AaBbCc" `tt "AaBbCc"`
fr "AaBbCc" mathfrak "AaBbCc" `fr "AaBbCc"`
sf "AaBbCc" mathsf "AaBbCc" `sf "AaBbCc"`


This tool was written by Christopher Ball for a variety of custom math needs. If you enjoy using it or have a feature idea, drop a message.

Operation Symbols

Type TeX alt See
+ `+`
- `-`
* cdot `*`
** ast `**`
*** star `***`
// `//`
\\ backslash
xx times `xx`
-: div `-:`
|>< ltimes `|><`
><| rtimes `><|`
|><| bowtie `|><|`
@ circ `@`
o+ oplus `o+`
ox otimes `ox`
o. odot `o.`
sum `sum`
prod `prod`
^^ wedge `^^`
^^^ bigwedge `^^^`
vv vee `vv`
vvv bigvee `vvv`
nn cap `nn`
nnn bigcap `nnn`
uu cup `uu`
uuu bigcup `uuu`

Greek Letters

Type See Type See
alpha `alpha`
beta `beta`
gamma `gamma` Gamma `Gamma`
delta `delta` Delta `Delta`
epsilon `epsilon`
varepsilon `varepsilon`
zeta `zeta`
eta `eta`
theta `theta` Theta `Theta`
vartheta `vartheta`
iota `iota`
kappa `kappa`
lambda `lambda` Lambda `Lambda`
mu `mu`
nu `nu`
xi `xi` Xi `Xi`
pi `pi` Pi `Pi`
rho `rho`
sigma `sigma` Sigma `Sigma`
tau `tau`
upsilon `upsilon`
phi `phi` Phi `Phi`
varphi `varphi`
chi `chi`
psi `psi` Psi `Psi`
omega `omega` Omega `Omega`


Type TeX alt See
hat x `hat x`
bar x overline x `bar x`
ul x underline x `ul x`
vec x `vec x`
tilde x `tilde x`
dot x `dot x`
ddot x `ddot x`
overset(x)(=) overset(x)(=) `overset(x)(=)`
underset(x)(=) `underset(x)(=)`
ubrace(1+2) underbrace(1+2) `ubrace(1+2)`
obrace(1+2) overbrace(1+2) `obrace(1+2)`
color(red)(x) `color(red)(x)`
cancel(x) `cancel(x)`

Miscellaneous Symbols

Type TeX alt See
2/3 frac{2}{3} `2/3`
2^3 `2^3`
sqrt x `sqrt x`
root(3)(x) `root(3)(x)`
int `int`
oint `oint`
del partial `del`
grad nabla `grad`
+- pm `+-`
O/ emptyset `O/`
oo infty `oo`
aleph `aleph`
:. therefore `:.`
:' because `:'`
|...| |ldots| `|...|`
|cdots| `|cdots|`
vdots `vdots`
ddots `ddots`
|\ | `|\ |`
|quad| `|quad|`
/_ angle `/_`
frown `frown`
/_\ triangle `/_\\`
diamond `diamond`
square `square`
|__ lfloor `|__`
__| rfloor `__|`
|~ lceiling `|~`
~| rceiling `~|`
"hi" text(hi) `"hi"`

Grouping Brackets

Type TeX alt See
( `(`
) `)`
[ `[`
] `]`
{ `{`
} `}`
(: langle `(:`
:) rangle `:)`
<< `<<`
>> `>>`
{: x ) `{: x )`
( x :} `( x :}`
abs(x) `abs(x)`
floor(x) `floor(x)`
ceil(x) `ceil(x)`
norm(vecx) `norm(vecx)`


Type TeX alt See
uarr uparrow `uarr`
darr downarrow `darr`
rarr rightarrow `rarr`
-> to `->`
>-> rightarrowtail `>->`
->> twoheadrightarrow `->>`
>->> twoheadrightarrowtail `>->>`
|-> mapsto `|->`
larr leftarrow `larr`
harr leftrightarrow `harr`
rArr Rightarrow `rArr`
lArr Leftarrow `lArr`
hArr Leftrightarrow `hArr`